Friday, August 27

Heart of An ANGEL~

have you ever thought of visiting a home of disable children?? playing and entertaining them whole day long??..well, I DID and I STILL DO now..i dunno why~ but they are so approachable, so sincere..adorable in some way...they are not stained with "harmful chemical of the world" they a good heart, heart of an Angel I would put was one of the thing i wanna do in my DREAM LIST, to go to home of disable children, for only just one day~ i wanna know how they get through their day...they are like us, it's just that they are a bit SPECIAL than us..=)

well, last 2 days...during Iftar (break-fasting) at my school, I got the chance to meet a special kid~ His name was Aiman Fariz. It was after Maghrib prayer at the Open Hall, I had just finished folding my telekung sembahyang...then I saw him on a wheel chair alone, maybe waiting for i stopped by him, and sit in front of him...HE SMILED~

"kenape adik sorang2 ni? tunggu sape?" "tunggu ayah ngn kakak" "dorang pg mn?" "amek makanan.." "oo..adik nama ape?" "aiman fariz" "puasa hr ni?" "puasa"....then he smiled,

though it was a short small talk, it was not EMPTY...that boy was 10 years old, and he fasted. His dad & sis came after that with food...I observed from afar. It was so touching & sweet, when u saw how they treated him...I almost shed tears (well, i'm a great-weeper! tears are so cheap, they just fall out of reason like streams!..huhu should I b proud or scared?)..OK back to the main agenda~

seeing things like this makes me think of myself, my life and people around me~ I am grateful to be who I am now, and it's a bliss....happiness do lies in small simple things~ LIKE THIS..

P/S that IFTAR was also a farewell for Kak Nani..a practical teacher from UNITAR...gonna miss u so much kak nani!! your non-stop JOKES that crammed my tummy! she's one of the most LOVABLE person I've ever known~ she adores my green rose pattern baju kurung..sori baju tu xsempat pakai ms farewell, dlm washing machine =P

these are some shots taken wit Kak Nani (the lady in red)!! lov yaaa!! <3<3

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