Sunday, August 29


Must have the PROFESSIONAL
commitment,the concern, the pride.
the mission is to TEACH, to EDUCATE
those who are strayed away from the right track..
those who wants to grow be GOOD

good people, good neighbours, good husbands, good wives and good parents....

by kba wurryfree~

LUCKY DAYYYY!!! ehee~ =P

Well, i juz got back from Jusco Bukit Tinggi, hangin out wit my rumie, breakfasting n watching STEP UP 3!!! ok lemme finish wit STEP UP 3 first..then il continue to the real story!!...

STEP UP 3 was FRIGGIN AWESOME..well, I'm a fan of step up yeah! their dance move was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy awesome than b4 ( cannot beat the Last dance on Step 2 tho), the robot stuff...urghhhh! *drop jaw*...i wanna dance! i wanna dance...i wanna have a slender, toned body..(it's the side effect of dancing...lalalala)... so i dunno how to describe...juz go n watch it~ that's all i gotta say~

kay now..back to the REAL is my one of my lucky daaay (of all the lucky days i had)..alright, lemme begin the story...starting this evening~ at 5pm, me n rumie decided to hang out sumwhere, Bukit Tinggi maybe (juz to watch Step Up 3)..hehe, i started the kancil BEQ 124..then suddenly "BOOOM!!!" i hit the front bumper of ISWARA Aeroback behind!!...aaaaah! MY CAR!! (that was the first thing came out from my mouth..haha)..quickly rushed out, n check MY CAR FIRST...nothing~ OKAY, that was a relief...then, i saw the ISWARA was "HURT"! ( got some lekuk near the plat number)...waaaaa!!! we were WORRIED but NOT PANICK~ so we decided to write a note like this;

"Maaf, td sy terlanggar bumper depan kereta awak, saya nak rush ni. So ni nombor telefon saya.."

so we clipped the note on the wiper & started our journey to Bukit Tinggi. On our way there, we were LOST, so I just gambled, hopin the road I was taking was right...n there we were at Jusco Bukit Tinggi~ weeeee~ =))

We went inside Jusco, trying this n that, while waiting for Break-fast, then there was a guy, approaching me, asking whether the girl wit me (my rumie) was my fren...i said yes..she looks familiar, skolah kat mane dulu? die skul kt, xpe la awk bg kad ni kt die, n suh die contact sy~ (urgghhh~ i know wat tis is...a trick! he;s already got a Girlfren! he sneaked out while she was trying out clothes..PLAYBOY!)

my rumie..laughed in puzzle..his name was SOUL..duhhh~ AsSOUL! ( haha..repeat after me~ sorry)

after breakfasting at Starbucks (caramel frappuccino n manggo passion)..we did sum window shop n still hopin the owner of the car wud call....i told my mom bout that~ then she said, he/she wud not call, n the lekuk2 was already there! since when my mom become a PSYCHIC?? k, ignore that...(but she was right bout that! that creeps hell out of mee)

We got back juz now, n
THE CAR'S STILL THERE with our NOTES on the wiper!..haaaa~ *drop jaw*gagagagaga~ so was I lucky or what?? tell me please....~

Friday, August 27

Heart of An ANGEL~

have you ever thought of visiting a home of disable children?? playing and entertaining them whole day long??..well, I DID and I STILL DO now..i dunno why~ but they are so approachable, so sincere..adorable in some way...they are not stained with "harmful chemical of the world" they a good heart, heart of an Angel I would put was one of the thing i wanna do in my DREAM LIST, to go to home of disable children, for only just one day~ i wanna know how they get through their day...they are like us, it's just that they are a bit SPECIAL than us..=)

well, last 2 days...during Iftar (break-fasting) at my school, I got the chance to meet a special kid~ His name was Aiman Fariz. It was after Maghrib prayer at the Open Hall, I had just finished folding my telekung sembahyang...then I saw him on a wheel chair alone, maybe waiting for i stopped by him, and sit in front of him...HE SMILED~

"kenape adik sorang2 ni? tunggu sape?" "tunggu ayah ngn kakak" "dorang pg mn?" "amek makanan.." "oo..adik nama ape?" "aiman fariz" "puasa hr ni?" "puasa"....then he smiled,

though it was a short small talk, it was not EMPTY...that boy was 10 years old, and he fasted. His dad & sis came after that with food...I observed from afar. It was so touching & sweet, when u saw how they treated him...I almost shed tears (well, i'm a great-weeper! tears are so cheap, they just fall out of reason like streams!..huhu should I b proud or scared?)..OK back to the main agenda~

seeing things like this makes me think of myself, my life and people around me~ I am grateful to be who I am now, and it's a bliss....happiness do lies in small simple things~ LIKE THIS..

P/S that IFTAR was also a farewell for Kak Nani..a practical teacher from UNITAR...gonna miss u so much kak nani!! your non-stop JOKES that crammed my tummy! she's one of the most LOVABLE person I've ever known~ she adores my green rose pattern baju kurung..sori baju tu xsempat pakai ms farewell, dlm washing machine =P

these are some shots taken wit Kak Nani (the lady in red)!! lov yaaa!! <3<3

Thursday, August 26

NeverendingGg Trip!

i love going places!! snapping pictures...of people, sceneries n lotsa stuff..cuz pictures speak in their own way~ =)
so far the farthest place i've been was HK n Macau..went there wit my frens, it was tremendously FUN! well, i have not discovered the whole Malyasia..neva stepped on Kedah, Perlis,Johor, Sabah & Sarawak..BUT i've been to Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan (is it part of Sabah? or separated states) n Brunei~ I've been longing to go to Sabah!! Negeri di bawah bayuuuu...thank God i got many frens there (save money maaa...accomodation & food FOC)...

P/S jealousy lingers around me whenever i went to KLIA to send my frens...flyin oversea..though to fulfill their OBLIGATION of studying! BUT i pray the best for 'em..may they'll be the pride of our nation~ =))

Tuesday, August 24

Long Waaayyyy TO GooOO!!

i have lotsa catching up to do in my blog!! believe it or not it juz struck my mind the other day when my friend ask me whether i have a blog..n at that moment i thought "I HAVE A BLOG!!" i becoming SENILE already...hahah~ nahhh~ blogging is just not my thing YET! n i literally forgot my gmail n the took me ages to trace those things back~

SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THE PASSION ALIVE rynnchan! bluek!! to me..=P