Tuesday, March 8



errr...who is youth?? =/
are we youth?
should we be considered as youth?
what are we suppose to do as a YOUTH??


Tuesday, February 22

of Literature and Sem 8~

Well..I just got back from class..Women In Literature class to be exact. (i am excruciatingly hungry now..but for the sake of my eagerness to share it here...I delayed it..^_^)...

How to start this huh?..I am really not good in writing a story...Alright, each time I came out from Literature classes (Chillit & WIL)...I felt so energized and psyched, I don't know why...maybe because of the;
1) Lecturer - Mr.Kieran & Madam Lim (I love them!)
2) the discussion part
3) the story being discussed
4) the movie being watched

The room atmosphere was filled with knowledge..(if you could literally SEE the knowledge..which is impossible)...the discussion was so tense and sizzling yet you are really into it. The lecturer's skills of provoking and prompting us to say more and more..is really addictive~ The stories and movies are being carefully and meticulously chosen just for us to analyzed..as I think they are really an eye-opener. Literature has been a fascinating subject for me in this semester. I do not mind spending 3 hours of class talking about those stories and movies because it was FUN an HIGHLY-INFORMATIVE (now YOU must think that I've turn into some sort of nerd or geek) I have always liked Literature at the first place...but I do not really see the USE of learning them..I used to question like..Why do we have to study this S****peare (no offense dude) and other authors? Why do we have to scrutinize their work? Do they do any good in our life?...*barf* like now..HELLO they did do good in YOUR life!...*snap*(I just come to this ENLIGHTENMENT in this semester..the last-no-more-assignments-you'll-be-free-after this-semester!..PATHETIC! but it's never to late). I realize that Literature taught me about life; I reflect on my life when I read and analyze those books and movies and I enjoy and appreciate my life MORE...plus I learn to be a CRITICAL and CONCRETE thinker, because when you talk about Literature...it's going to be an ENDLESS & INFINITE quest of perfect justification because THERE IS NO RIGHT & WRONG IN LIT ...you could just taaaaaaaaalk about it all day long (but that's not what I am going to here..teehee)..So my point is..LITERATURE IS FUN..(but i am not going to pursue my master on LIT)..Till Then my fellow readerss..(ade ke org baca?)

Wednesday, January 12

SMILE =) it's a lot more easier...

This video i made it during holiday...got inspiration from my old pictures in my old old album ( album ms kcik2 dulu)..so i said to myself, "y not?..make a video..since u got sooooo many free time..=)"....ENJOY

p/s i'm sorry, the quality isn't so good, since i compress it...the HD took a long time to upload and of bigger size too...so, paham2 je la eh =)

Tuesday, January 11

Sunday, January 9


i just got back from my friend's birthday party at Concorde Hotel. I went there with my friend's car, lepas habes celebrate birthday masing2 buat haluan sendiri balik..BUT my friend, Sakinah yg Cuantix, menggedik menyuruh aku drive kete die wat balik..so I was like OK je la.

Then, i drove with Anis as my co-driver..masa before masuk roundabout tu , i saw satu kereta polis, and suddenly teringat yg i haven't renewed my license since June last year...huuu, then, i talked with Anis about the license and the possibility if ade roadblock tonight....THEN right after we talked about it..memang btul2 ade polis nga wat roadblock!!!...i panicked and pusing stereng ke kiri and ke kanan masuk line balik..urghhhhhhh!! masa tu panik Allah saje yg tau...i was like SPEECHLESS, Anis n me duk sibuk baca ayat2 pelindung...THEN smpai giliran kereta kitorang (kete Kinah sbnarnye)..kami senyum kambingggggg

"haa, bak lesen ngn IC? pegi park kat sebelah van tu"

i parked next to the van before the MyVi
i gave him the IC...

"mana lesen?"

i searched for it...xde!
(my mindset ckp xde2..so that i bole stay in character yg i don't bring the license in which sebenarnye i have it tp xrenew lg) so i better blakon license xbwk drpd tunjuk lesen tp da expired...huhu

"saya bagi awk ms 10 minit utk cr lesen tu"

...(i think less then 10 mins)

"saya da give up...saya mmg xjumpa lesen saya, sbb hari tu saya ade keluarkan lesen dr dompet sebab nk renew (a lie)..pastu maybe lupa nk msukkan balik"

"kalo camtu kami saman la ko..ni student ke kerja ni?"

"student..kt intec 17"

"lesen P lagi?"

"tak, da lama da tukar"

"laaaa..asal ko xngelat ckp ko baru lesen P. xpe kami akn cek skrang jgak guna number IC ni, samada ko ade lesen ke x"

dengan confidentnyee "haa, ok..saya ade lesen..mmg betul saya ade lesen, saya xtipu cik" (padahal dalam hati xnk bagi cek sbb takut kantoi lesen x renew)

"Bos saman la ni kan?"

"waaaa...jangan, kami student lagi"

"da ko gagal pamerkan lesen, tong-tong r ngn tuan punye kete n kawan ko ni (anis). sebelum sy tulis lam buku saman ni, haa ko ckp la ngn chief tu dulu"

chief, muke die ketat gileeeeeeee...."HAA, KO NAK SENANG KE NAK SUSAH?"

"urmmm seeeeenangg??" i said..ngn muke kesian

"nak senang??..balik skang jgak, dah blah skg jgak~"

kami terkedu tergamam..speechless..me and anis " umm, time kasih byk2 selamat malam assalamualaikum bye"...serentak

chief "dah2 balik skg jgak! len kali ko jgn nk wat camni lagi!"

huuu baeklah encik chief polis...saya mengaku kesalahan saya xrenew lesen..sy akan renew isnin ni jgak!!!! ye!!

p/s tapi kire berbakat la blakon lesen xbwk...sbnrnye ade je blakng kad touchNgo..huk3