Thursday, September 23


Yesterday, i went out with my long lost fren..yg study kat JEPUN skang. we eat alot until we become si buncit n si boroi~ hak3.....the last station was steambot restaurant, which i juz had the day xpe laa, ade BANK GIRO kt sebelah, i ON jerrr...hik3~..Funny thing was, periuk kitorang ade problem, lmbt panas, so apelagi mula laa meleleh air liuq tgk org dok mengadap steambot pns2 dpn priuk berasap (cam kat KOREA!!)..terpaksa pggl waiter setelkan periuk tu, then baru bole mkn~


Encik Bank GIRO yg boroi~

Cik DRIVER yg Setia a.k.a TEACHER yg
baru nk jadi Buncit kekenyangan~

huuu~ NORI yg agak PELIK rsnye...kami ditipu oleh gamba yg nmpk so TEMPTING
so... don't judge food by its picture~

P/S mengharapkan O-miyage n HDSLR Canon nmpknye xdibawaa~ xpa laaa~ ='(

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