Friday, September 24


It seems like yesterday I was here..doing my practicum~n now the day that I've been waiting for the past 3 month is here........BUT I'm not ready yet to let go & terminate this wonderful moment with the students...PLUS I guess I'm already used to a TEACHER's LIFE...waking up at 6am everyday, go to school, teach and go back by the afternoon....what am I gonna do after this at this very time?...hurm~ start missing those some pixies to share wit u guys~


The Never-Shut-Up 4PD1
this class...they juz lurveeee to talk..IN BM!! haish~ susah no nk kasi ckp BI..they were all clever, but LAZY..hurm~ but KUDOS to u guys when it comes to acting, singing & dancing! professional sudaaah~ hek3...GUYS please always REMEMBER to BRING UR ENGLISH EXERCISE BOOK TO CLASS!!...

The Hyperactive 4Account

4 Akaun threw me a farewell was quite a surprise..(sb ms tu tgh mengajar, in the middle of the lesson)...then, Yasmin (ketua kelas) said.."teacher r u done yet?".."yes, y?"..then, they asked me to close my eyes..(which i tried to have a peep..hek3)..i heard noises from outside the situ laa, cni la, cpat laaa..tcher tutup mata ke x tu?..& so on..then everybody was surrounding me, n asked me to open my eyes slowly n there it was a CAKE!!.."hingga jumpa lagi" was written on it....I WAS SOOOOOO OVERWHELMED & SPEECHLESS~ i did't expect this coming from them...i was so happy that I COULD'T CRY!! senyuman xlekang dr bibirku...terharu..the girls force me to cry..n i juz told myself..."jgn nanges lin, jgn nanges, u look ugly when u cry...huuu," darah da mmg berderau dah kat muke ms tu, dada pun da sebak...

the cake, the students & teacher Shazlin~

Until we meet again.....

Asiah closed my eyes tightly...
gara2 saya bole teka bilangan jari~ hak3..lucky guess je tuu~

PINKY BEG!! bole bawak p kuliah...
tambah lagi set PINK saye~.huk3..

Amirul a.k.a BOB COMEL kn icing ngn teacher shazlin...wahaahaha~
padan muke! sapa suh hang nakal sgt lam klas teacher!..

my class supposedly finished at 11.55am, tp cikgu BM (Cikgu Nik)..allow me to have class smp balik..huuuu~ xtertahan sebak da ms tu...then after salam2, peluk cium budak2 (girsl ONLY)..i went out of the class (bawak diri je, sb brg2 sume boys da bwk p atas termasuk la handbag)..then trussss...JATUH BERDERAIIII MANIK2 JERNIH dr KOLAM AIR MATAKU (cewaaah gitew~=P)...mmg xterkawal my tears ms tuu..THEN, ms tgh struggle ngn air mataku, the girls suddenly running towards me.."Teacherrrrrr!! teacherrr!!..teacher nangess!!"..ape lagi cpat2 la tutup muke ngn tudung yg xberapa nk menyerap air mata..the girls cepat2 tahan, sb nk tgk saya nanges..='( ape lagi cepat2 melarikan diri spt artis hollywood lari dr PAPARAZZI..huuu~

(Tu laa pandai sgt hang, konon nk control air mata xnk kasi jatuh...pastu tertewas juaaaaa~ well, kate great weeper, terserempak ngn kucing mati kn langgar kete pun nanges..haih mclynn2..pdhal kucing tu xde kaitan ngn ang pun~)

So that's all...the moments..that I'll always REMEMBER!!!...hek3 (I'm not good in writing a conclusion...mmg FAIL lah)..


p/s lpas abes cek fb saya, byk daaa fren request..haha~ cuz sy bgtau student yg sy akn approve lpas practical~ hope this beautiful UKHUWAH will last long~

Thursday, September 23


Yesterday, i went out with my long lost fren..yg study kat JEPUN skang. we eat alot until we become si buncit n si boroi~ hak3.....the last station was steambot restaurant, which i juz had the day xpe laa, ade BANK GIRO kt sebelah, i ON jerrr...hik3~..Funny thing was, periuk kitorang ade problem, lmbt panas, so apelagi mula laa meleleh air liuq tgk org dok mengadap steambot pns2 dpn priuk berasap (cam kat KOREA!!)..terpaksa pggl waiter setelkan periuk tu, then baru bole mkn~


Encik Bank GIRO yg boroi~

Cik DRIVER yg Setia a.k.a TEACHER yg
baru nk jadi Buncit kekenyangan~

huuu~ NORI yg agak PELIK rsnye...kami ditipu oleh gamba yg nmpk so TEMPTING
so... don't judge food by its picture~

P/S mengharapkan O-miyage n HDSLR Canon nmpknye xdibawaa~ xpa laaa~ ='(

Friday, September 3

The Story of the Pencil

A boy was watching his grandmother writing a letter. At one point, he asked: "Are you writing a story about what we've done? Is it a story about me?"

His Grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson:
"I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I'm using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up"

Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn't seem very special.
"But it's just like any other pencil I've ever seen"
"That depends on how you look at things. It has FIVE qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world"
"FIRST quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, he always guide us according to his will"
"SECOND quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffers a little, but afterwards, he's much sharper. So you too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person"

"THIRD quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps us to keep the road to justice.
"FOURTH quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you"

"Finally, the pencil's FIFTH quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action"
By Paulo Coelho, Just Like The Flowing Rivers

Thursday, September 2

of Mid Valley - OU - Subang Parade - Empire Gallery The Loaf ~

This was the pix snapped by me cousin at TGI Friday~ huhu..thats the dessert..ok la..mocha~ well it was quite a tiring day...went out at 12 noon to midavalley (imagine the traffic otw there on MERDEKA DAY? urghhh)...just to take my cousin's lappy...then had to pay for the parking that we didn't even get..RM 3!! less than 15 mins..then straight away heading to OU.

on our way there, it was raining HEAVILY!! the parking at OU was like so frustating cuz we spent almost 1 hour on the roof top under the HEAVY DOWNPOUR...struggling to find a little tiny spot! then we just parked illegally outside the parking box...hahah~

n turn out that OU was sooooooooOooO BORING that day...can't find any static place to hang out & we decided to go to Subang, at 5.30pm (Gosh!)..

then, coincidentally my lecturer n my rumie were on their way we decided to meet up there and breakfast sumwhere around there which as TGI FRIDAY~ huuuuu~ my tummie FULL OF FOOOD!! the portion (as usual) was big and a lot~ manage to finish it THOUGH...hahahh~ BIG EATER!!

After solat, we hang out at The Loaf - Empire Gallery, for a while...then made our way home~ EXHAUSTED!!

Wednesday, September 1



say it FAST!! FASTER and FASTER!!


cuz TOMORO i got another observation..huu, kehabisan IDEA nk wat ape utk LESSON esuk~ T_T